Welcome to Alawsila projects, through years of effort and work, Alwasila Trust has established its feet on the ground of humanity and care. Our projects including Power box, Safaiwala, Ummati, Rehen Sehan, Rozgar, and more have helped thousands of Muslim brothers in difficult days. With a specialism in healthcare, disaster relief, and water distribution projects. We were one of the first organizations in Pakistan to provide underprivileged communities in Pakistan with free clothing, food, and medical care.
However, over the last few decades, our Ummati program has been able to provide people who have been impacted by natural disasters and other types of disastrous events with relief by addressing both immediate concerns such as the availability of food and shelter, and also long-term restoration through the providing of economic, medical, and emotional security. Saya is yet another successful project that is being undertaken by Alwasila Trust to create possibilities to be of service. For those people who have never considered the possibility of owning their own home, Alwasila takes care of them and gives them the opportunity to picture a safe shelter. Alwasilas’s donor has played a major part in serving the whole of humanity and makes us able to assist their fellow Muslim brother in securing a shelter that he can use as his home.
Contact us! We ensure that one hundred percent of your Zakat will be distributed to our NGOs who will receive the full amount that you have designated for them. We make a sincere vow to serve Pakistan in the areas of health, education, and social welfare services, particularly for the underserved and low-income section of our society, to improve their quality of life and assist them in becoming functional and respectable members of society.
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