Is Deen And Religion The Same? 

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Is Deen And Religion The Same? 

Is Deen And Religion The Same? 

Clear your mind with the term “Deen” before you start. Although you may be familiar with the word “Deen,” you may not be aware of its full definition.

The Deen is unique among all other world faiths. More than any other religion, Deen emphasizes all aspects of one’s existence, both personally and socially, as opposed to other religions that solely emphasize one’s relationship with Allah personally. Islam speaks on both the material and the spiritual dimensions of human existence (Deen) and mandates that we act with God’s awareness throughout all of our behaviors and thoughts.

Concept Of Islam:

Islam is a term with many meanings. It is descended from an Arabic root that symbolizes obedience and peacefulness to Allah. All Abrahamic religions were given to mankind as a means of restraining them and educating them in ways that would best enable them to carry out the purposes for which they were formed. The purpose of Allah’s messages is to develop the kind of person who is capable of bringing about civilization and global wealth. To achieve this, Allah orders us to take actions that will benefit us and bans those that would damage us.

The only remaining option for the nations of the globe is to accept the teachings of Allah, which center on fostering harmony between men and Allah as well as among men.

The core of pure and authentic Islamic thought is the notion that following Islam solely in one’s personal life is insufficient and that one must also adhere to all of the Quranic and Sunni teachings in one’s social, economic, and political spheres.

Religion explains the purpose of life. This world is eternal and without religion, life would be purposeless. Like food is the need of life, similarly, Islam as a religion is the food for a soul. 

Concept Of Deen In Islam:

Deen for easy understanding denotes religion, law, judgment, outcome, government, and method.

Religion is the conviction that there is a Super-Natural ruling force that created and controlled the universe and gave humans a spirituality that lives on even after physical death.

The aforementioned explanation appears to be a condensed version of several definitions of religion that one should adhere to, but it still fails to capture the true meaning of the word “Deen,” which is defined in the Quran as submitting one’s will and devotion to Allah.

After reading this meaning of the Arabic term Deen, it becomes clear that perhaps the term “religion” should not be used to translate it into English. Furthermore, contrary to many of today’s critics of Islam, we do not require someone to define the term “Deen” for us.

However, we should tread carefully and alert Muslims to these plots aimed at them to distract them from the authenticity of their Deen and skew their understanding of it.

Deen comprises three components whenever it comes to “Personal Affairs”: (a) Beliefs; (b) Practices of Worship. When Deen is extended to “Collective Life,” it has three elements, namely (a) social systems (b) economic systems (c), and (d) political systems.

Difference Between Deen And Mazhab (Religion):

The core ideas behind the terms Deen and mazhab are very dissimilar to one another. Even though in our region of the world, we typically call Islam Mazhab (religion). But what is truly intriguing is that not a single instance of the word “mazhab” has previously been recorded in the entirety of the Quranic text and Ahadeeth literary! Deen, on the other hand, has virtually always served as the term for Islam in the sources.

Understanding the essential distinction between two concepts is necessary. The concept of “mazhab” or “religion” refers to a collection of beliefs and practices. Deen, in contrast, side, speaks to a style of living that infuses every element of life.

In other words, Deen is a much broader, all-encompassing actuality than mazhab. Given this context, it may not be accurate to claim that Islam is not a mazhab (religion), as all of the components of mazhab are undoubtedly present in Islam.

Deen is the one which rules and permeates. If it is oppressed, it will cease no longer be Deen and instead become Mazhab. It will lose its original essence.

When viewed from this perspective, it is evident that no matter how amazing a system may be, if it is given only as a vision and concept or in the form of a documented treatise, it can only serve as an idealized perfect society and never serve as a true guideline, standard, or baseline.

Basic Beliefs Of Islam Towards Deen:

In Islam, there are seven Principles of Faith. The Islamic way of life is shaped by these core principles.

  • Belief In the Oneness of Allah:

There is only one supreme, almighty, provident, kind, and benevolent God. God does not have a father, mother, brothers, or children. God neither fathered nor was fathered by any. .

  • Belief In God’s Angels:

Angels are holy, spiritually devoted entities that God has created to carry out His instructions and unceasingly worship Him.

  • Adherence To God’s Revelations (Books):

Muslims hold that the Quran, Turait, Zaboor, and Injeel are among the teachings that Almighty God revealed to His Messengers and Prophets.

  • Belief In God’s Prophets:

Each of God’s Messengers and Prophets, including Nuah (a.s), Moosa (a.s), Dawood (a.s), Ismail (a.s) and Muhammad (S.A.W), were mortal people sent by God to educate humanity on how to conform to His will and follow His Commandments.

  • Faith In The Day Of Judgment:

Muslims hold a belief in Hell and Heaven as well as a predetermined Day of Judgment.

  • Premeasurement Belief (Qadar):

Muslims hold that everything that exists across all of time and space is under the control and oversight of the All-Powerful God.

  • The Belief In Life After Death:

Muslims believe that shortly after the end of the world, everyone who has died will be returned to life (or, resurrected) in to appear before the Judgment meted out to each one of them by the God Almighty.

The Basic Concept Of Islam And Science:

Islam and science are closely related. Islam does not only give science a strong emphasis, but it also strongly supports its advancement. Islam does view science as a necessary condition for human survival.

This seems strange. Typically, we perceive religion as being aggressive against science. There was a protracted war that existed between both science and Christianity, didn’t there? Did the Church bring charges against Galileo? However, this “war” between “faith” and “science” was primarily a Western issue. Such hostile conflicts have no equivalent in Islam.

Islam, on the other hand, has always supported the advancement of scientific understanding. The Prophet Muhammad emphasized that only scientific investigation can provide an understanding of the physical world.

Islam views science as simply a tool for gaining maximum truths. It is one of the disciplines of knowledge, and the Qur’an makes clear why learning is important. Without a purpose, information becomes useless.

Shape of Earth

Creation of Universe

The reflected light of the moon

Water cycle

Animals and Birds

History demonstrates that science and religion have much more frequently been supportive of one another and have shared a fluid connection.

Alwasila- Opportunities For Muslims To Help Fellow Muslims:

Almighty ALLAH created people in such a manner that they are united with each other and tend to be affiliated with each other while striving to meet one another’s requirements and necessities in the process. Every single one of us will face adversity or suffering that aches at some point in our life. Therefore, it is crucial to examine the value of aiding others from an Islamic perspective. Helping one another can strengthen us in our worship of Allah and help us get over whatever grief we might be experiencing. It belongs to our Deen.

Alwasila has been assisting the poor for over ten years. Our goal is to protect society’s most defenseless citizens and provide them with fair access to affordable housing, food aid, medical treatment, and other types of employment opportunities. We can work together to attain Almighty Allah’s pleasure, and follow the Deen rightfully through your donations, as well as assist others in achieving the same.


When we serve the creation, we are serving Allah.

To fulfil our Deen and Emaan, we must aid others and serve as role models for kindness, compassion, and empathy. Contact Alwasila or visit our website: to donate for humanity to serve Allah.

Indeed, Allah knows the best.